One of the most crucial decisions in life is choosing what to study after school. While there is no dearth of options available in higher education, the biggest challenge is to figure out what is right for you. Should you follow the trend or pursue something you love? Let’s admit, this is the dilemma every student goes through. The right way of addressing this issue is by exploring your options even if you are sure about what to study. The course you choose will require 3-4 years of commitment so it’s better to decide after thorough research. Here’s what you need to know to get more clarity about your choices.
Love for a subject
Are you inclined to understand the world around you through science or do you find learning about historical facts fascinating? Figuring out what subject you like will make it easier for you to choose what to pursue. But before you apply to different universities, make sure you understand the difference in the content of their courses. Also, when you choose to specialise in a subject, the level of difficulty is going to be quite different from studying them at school. So, be prepared to take your love for a subject to the next level.
Combining subjects
If you are inclined to study more than one subject or still confused about which one to choose, studying for a joint honours degree can be a great option. A joint honours degree allows you to study more than one subject and then combine them into a single qualification. For example, a joint degree in Economics and Finance will give you an edge over a single specialization. Similarly, studying Psychology and Criminology together will help you broaden your knowledge.
You'll be able to tell if a degree is a joint honour as it will say ‘and in the course title. But if a course has ‘with’ in the title, it is a Major/Minor degree. For example, Economics with Finance. You'll spend more time studying the major part of the degree (in this case, Economics) than the minor part.
It’s important to note that how a joint honours programme is approached varies from university to university. Your dream combination of subjects may not exist at every institution; it may take some research to find out the right joint honours programme.
Go for offbeat courses
You can give an exciting twist to your interest in a particular subject by opting for an unconventional course. If you care for the environment, you can take up a course in waste management and recycling. Or if you are fascinated by marine life, a course in Oceanography will help you turn it into a career. There are many interesting options out there; all you need to figure out is what inspires you.
Figuring out career options
It is important to know your career options before pursuing a course as that is the ultimate goal for studying. Unless you want to be a doctor, engineer or lawyer, it might be confusing to know what are the best career options available after completing a degree course.
One way of finding out what route to take is by talking to those who have studied the same course as you. Get in touch with professionals or job sites to have a better understanding of the available options. Make a list of careers you are interested in and match it with the skills required to develop for these careers. This way you will be able to figure out which course will help you acquire the skill set you are looking for.
Things 4to know before applying
Once you have decided what to study, progressing to the next stage involves choosing a college based on parameters such as eligibility criteria of different universities, the distance between your home and college, tuition fee and payment options offered by the university and accreditation of the university.