Find courses and career advice on our platform related to Chemistry.
The course is for beginner chemistry students and General chemistry students
If you don't like chemistry, but you need to learn this topic just for the sake of exams…
Are you one of the high school students: Chemist student, Pharmacy student, biology student, Nursing student or Engineering student and you have problems in studying General Chemis
Students find Organic Chemistry difficult because they do not follow proper sequence.
If you don't like chemistry, but you need to learn this topic just for the sake of exams…
The branch of chemistry which deals with relationship between chemical energy and electrical energy and how one can be converted into another is known as electrochemistry.
Depending on their reactivity, elements occur in nature in,
If you don't like chemistry, but you need to learn this topic just for the sake of exams…
Each lecture includes the numericals or multiple-choice questions and lots of quiz questions.
Surface chemistry is the branch of chemistry, which deals with the study of phenomena occurring at the surface separating the two bulk phases. These two bulk phases can be pure com