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I know children today are born into a world filled with challenges. But that’s why I created this course. I’ll teach you techniques you can share with your kids, in just a few minu
Specifically, this course will increase your understanding of insulin, a hormone we are constantly exposed to, and how exactly Insulin affects neurotransmitter activity, particular
The ideal person for this course is anyone who wants to get over a broken heart, has had a personal break up, has suffered emotional trauma or loss and would like to know how to ge
Course material will be presented through video lecture, text summaries, homework contemplation, and guided meditations. Students will come away feeing better, with a profound sens
On a side note, this class is very near and dear to my heart because of all the miraculous events I've experienced, from what is laid out in this course.
Massage is the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body. Massage techniques are usually applied with hands, fingers, elbows, knees, arms, feet or a tool
In this course I will teach you an amazing technique to dramatically reduce your stress and burnout.
Most of them do not know how to deal with it. In this course you will learn 5 power simple NLP techniques to help you overcome stress and anxiety.
The course is suitable for professionals who may come into contact with client's who have been diagnosed with an eating disorder. The course is also suitable for families, friends
It's bad enough when you forget where you left your keys and have to run around frantically looking for them...
The techniques are very simple and easy to follow , they help you overcome those fears and phobias which you have which have been causing hurdles to you in your career path.
The demonstration video for this course breaks down every tiny step needed for you to have success Hypnotizing people.
This course describes the tactics of astral travel and progress. With the basic and general knowledge, this course will help you develop yourself and open many more doors to you.
The course is suitable for anyone with a personal or professional interest in personality disorder.
Learn the meaning of the 8 Chakra points and tools to expanding them into higher vibration frequencies.