Get started by searching our study platform for courses in Mental Health.
Basic to Advance Stress Management Techniques from CBT, DBT, ACT Psychotherapies. Learn to control stress and live again!
In This Online Course on Depression You Will Learn How You Can Transform Your LIFE By BEATING DEPRESSION!
This course addressed both abnormal psychology issues and aimed to provide information to trainees on social and psychological manipulation issues.
Discover how to form the doctor-patient bond with your psychiatric patient, resulting in better outcome and happiness
This program is designed for repeat usage so that you continually expand your mental and emotional capacities; becoming more tenacious and resilient in the face of every challenge
With this course, we will show you how to perform Emotional Freedom Technique. Which itself is a very useful, dynamic and versatile technique, but we will also show you how to use
NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is the Science of how we Program our brain and how we can Re-Program it! NLP is the Science of How Your Brain Works ... Check out the Massive Ben
Don't worry, these doubts are common. They come from common misconceptions about what meditation is. Here's a popular one: The goal of meditation is to clear your mind.
Test out a variety of meditation techniques to find your favorite.
This course is designed for those who work with trauma/shock survivors or those who are trauma/shock victims themselves and who have not yet found a way to collapse and clear any i
The Hidden Secrets Of Psychology Known To Only A Very Select Few And Will Give You An Unfair Advantage For The Rest Of Your Life. Leave Your OLD PAIN Behind … and Gain JOY!
Want To Know How To Handle Negative Emotions And Conditions? Take Complete Control Of Your Emotions With This Course Today!
This course aims to help you avoid common journal-setup mistakes. You will be guided through the process of understanding what you need in a journal and how to create it.
In doing so you will be able to greatly relieve stress and anxiety, help to heal pain and suffering, and live with a wonderful sense of calm and well-being.
This course will add a lot to you. By following this course, you will learn all the concepts of medicine and psychology.