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28 Day Wellness Optimization Challenge - Keep Stress At Bay

28 Day Wellness Optimization Challenge - Keep Stress At Bay

In this course, you will learn Effective, Powerful and yet Simple tools and Techniques to maintain your Physical and Mental health at its peak by completely taking charge of your life by “Keeping stress at Bay”.


28 Techniques to Live a highly Positive Life helping to keep stress at Bay.

In this course, you will learn Effective, Powerful and yet Simple tools and Techniques to maintain your Physical and Mental health at its peak by completely taking charge of your life by “Keeping stress at Bay”.

1st set of practices are designed to “Flood your mind with Positivity”

2nd set of practices will help you “Discard all the Negativity from your mind”

3rd set of practices will “Help you get rid of all Lower level emotions” like anger, frustration, jealousy, fear.

Techniques practiced by the “Healers” which has been used since ancient times and which has also been approved by Science have been provided in this program. These proven practices will help remove toxic thoughts, help shift your mind to a state of “High Positivity” & will guard you against any stressful situation.

You will become highly positive making it impossible to attract stress, anger, frustration or fear. Even if you encounter such negative emotions, you will be able to immediately get out of it with least impact on your mental and physical health.

Course Information

Stress and its Impact on physical and mental health

Flood your mind with Positivity
Discard all the Negativity from past
Getting off lower level emotions like anger, frustration, jealousy, fear etc.

Individuals who want to manage stress

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Course Specifications

Get started by searching our study platform for courses in Mental Health. 

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Adult education is the non-credential activity of gaining skills and improved education. 

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Online education is electronically supported learning that relies on the Internet for teacher/student interaction. 

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A short course is a learning programme that gives you combined content or specific skills training in a short period of time. Short courses often lean towards the more practical side of things and have less theory than a university course – this gives you a more hands-on experience within your field of interest.

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Course duration is 24 hours.

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