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Android Clean Architecture & SOLID Principles

Android Clean Architecture & SOLID Principles

Forget about it, you will never face it again with Android Clean Architecture. Let's build self-documented Android apps.


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Have you ever get back to your old code, saying oh god only you knows what this code means?! what a painful feeling!

Forget about it, you will never face it again with Android Clean Architecture. Let's build self-documented Android apps.

Not long ago, Android development was about “Activities” and messy structures. Codes in all types and shapes were written in one class. Dark times!

But, like every topic in Computer Science, Android development had grown a lot through these years. Especially the introduction of Android Architecture Components.

If you're an Android developer like us, you want to always keep learning, master new skills, and ultimately achieve your career goals. Then make sure to enroll in this course and learn about Android best architectures.

So, welcome to our course Android Clean Architecture & SOLID Principles using Kotlin!. The silver bullet for your all coding troubles.

We focus here on how to create robust, long-living, well-designed, testable, maintainable Android apps.

Once you enroll to our course, you will be able to download a ready-to-use Android clean architecture app template for easing your coming projects creation.

Through our course we will build code samples from scratch to apply all the concepts we learned in the earlier videos.

After completing this course, you will be able to build robust, long-living, well-designed, testable, maintainable Android apps. Your code will be clean, reusable and self-documented.

If you are in any level of Android Development, Believe us, you should not miss this experience. Enroll with us now.

We are waiting for you to share your suggestions and have fruitful technical discussions!

Here are some topics you will learn in this course:

SOLID Principles
Clean Architecture
Dependency Injection (Dagger 2)
Reactive Programming
No more dark times let's start a new Bright Age!

Course Information

Be eager to learn and practice new Android development trends
Android development basics

Learn basic software architecture by applying SOLID principles
Apply Clean Architecture in order to write quality code, as a software engineer
Creating robust, long-living, well-designed, testable, maintainable Android apps
Writing clean, reusable and self-documented code
Hands-on applying different real-world scenarios in Android application following Clean Architecture rules
Having a ready-to-use Android clean architecture app template for easing your coming projects creation
MVVM, Room, Dependency injection (Dagger2), Reactive Programming


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Course Specifications

Start your study journey with App Development courses in Android APP Development.

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Adult education is the non-credential activity of gaining skills and improved education. 

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Online education is electronically supported learning that relies on the Internet for teacher/student interaction. 

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A short course is a learning programme that gives you combined content or specific skills training in a short period of time. Short courses often lean towards the more practical side of things and have less theory than a university course – this gives you a more hands-on experience within your field of interest.

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Course duration is 24 hours.

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