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Circuit Design And Simulation: Electronic & Microcontroller

Circuit Design And Simulation: Electronic & Microcontroller

This will be a journey of a life time for everyone looking for a new vision in Engineering Simulation, easy to use and really helpful software will be introduced.


3D simulators nowadays are covering all aspects of the electronic design process, in 3D. In this course you will get the chance to explore the wonders of 3D simulation of a limitless range of circuit boards, a 2D circuit design tools, and also microcontroller simulation, testing and programming with and without coding.

Welcome to this course.

You will get the chance to learn:

3D Electronic design and simulation
Exploring different electronic elements and getting to watch them as they receive different signal.
Test different situation and circuit condition and explore the possibility of each element before real life testing.
Watch items explode when they receive excessive current! such are Leds and resistors
Edit, wire and add different electronic elements
Learn how to use Breadboard in real life and in Simulation environment
Learn how to use RGB Leds in real life and in Simulation environment
Series and Parallel Circuits with Practical Example
Arduino Digital/Analog Input/Output
Arduino Serial Monitor Simulation
3D simulation of different electronic elements
3D wiring of real life circuits inside a simulation platform
Measurement of different electrical signals such as voltage, current, temperature, light, digital and analog.
Arduino programming and Simulation without coding using Blocks
Arduino programming with coding
Microcontroller programming and Simulation without coding using Blocks
Microcontroller programming with coding
What You Will learn in This Course

Why it is helpful to simulate and design in 3D
Sign Up for the FREE Simulation Platform
User Interface Introduction
Design and Simulate ON/OFF Led Circuit
Design and Simulate ON/OFF Switches Circuits
Design and Simulate Microcontroller Systems
Design and Simulate Arduino Boards
Program without coding using Blocks
Design and Simulate Simple Led Fading Circuits
Design and Simulate Simple RGB Led Circuit
Design and Simulate Potentiometer Circuits
This will be a journey of a life time for everyone looking for a new vision in Engineering Simulation, easy to use and really helpful software will be introduced.

Course Information

Ability to practice not just watch
Sign Up for The FREE Software/Websites used in this Course (All Free No Hidden additional Fees)
Have a basic knowledge in Electronics

Design and Simulate Electronic Circuits in 3D
Program 3D Microcontrollers using blocks
Program 3D Microcontrollers using code
Simulate Different Arduino Boards

Any Tech Geek
Engineering Students
School Students who want's to learn more about electronics in simple ways
Teachers who are looking for ways to make learning more fun and interactive

• Lifetime Access to Each Course
• Certificate on Completion of Course
• No Extra Charges Or Admin Fees
• Easy Access to Courses
• High Priority Support After Sales.
• Big Discounts on Individual Courses

Course Specifications

IT and Computing courses are available to study on our learning platform. 

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Adult education is the non-credential activity of gaining skills and improved education. 

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Online education is electronically supported learning that relies on the Internet for teacher/student interaction. 

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A short course is a learning programme that gives you combined content or specific skills training in a short period of time. Short courses often lean towards the more practical side of things and have less theory than a university course – this gives you a more hands-on experience within your field of interest.

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Course duration is 24 hours.

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