About this Course
In this course, we would explore various tools and services available on Microsoft Azure Cloud Platform.
We would be exploring following Services in different categories:
STORAGE: BloB, File, Disk, Table, Queue, Data Lake, StorSimple, Archive, Backup.
CONTAINER: Docker, Kubernetes, Container Registry, AKS, Container Instance, Service Fabric Cluster
NETWORKING: DNS, Traffic Manager, Firewall, ExpressRoute, Virtual WAN, NSG (Network Security Group), VNet
DATABASE: SQL Database, CosmosDB, Data Warehouse
MACHINE LEARNING: Computer Vision, Custom Vision, Content Moderator, Translate, Text Analysis
CHATBOT: Simple, Web, Facebook, QnA, LUIS
ANALYTICS: Stream Analytics, HDInsight, Lake Analytics, Data Explorer, Databricks
DEVOPS: Boards, Artifact, Repos, Pipelines, Test Plan, Tool Integration, DevTest Labs, Application Insight, Azure Organisation
SECURITY: Security Centre, Azure Active Directory, VPN Gateway, DDoS Protection, Key Vaults, Dedicated HSM, Application Gateways, Sentinel, Information Protection
MIGRATION: Site Recovery, Database Migration, Migrate, Migration Project, DataBox
We would be learning concepts and methodologies with practical exercises. This course consists of multiple Projects on various topics.
Basic knowledge
No prerequisites at all. But if you are aware of some cloud based or web development tools and technologies, it is helpful