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Exploring Surveys In Anthropology Research

Exploring Surveys In Anthropology Research

Enroll now, and learn about creating surveys! I hope to see you in class!


Have you ever wondered how Cultural Anthropologists get their information about people around the world? Well, there are many types of research methods that Cultural Anthropologists use, including participant observation, interviews, focus groups, and more. In this introductory course on research methods in Anthropology, the focus will be on surveys.

You might have taken a survey at some point in your life-maybe you were on a website, and a pop-up window asks if you could answer a few questions. Or, maybe you got a phone call, and someone wanted to ask you a few questions about something. Or, maybe you received a questionnaire in the mail, and you were asked to answer some questions on a form and send the form back. All of these are types of surveys. So, surveys seem simple-it's just asking people questions, and recording their answers, right? Well, there’s actually a lot more involved in doing a survey.

In this introductory course for beginners, you will learn the basics of creating surveys. In Unit 1, you will learn about the field of Anthropology and survey use in Anthropology. In Unit 2, you will learn about preparing for a survey by deciding on a research topic and research question. In Unit 3, you will learn about research ethics, including the history of research ethics and the ethics involved in surveys. In Unit 4, you will learn about constructing a survey, including writing survey questions and designing the survey’s layout. In Unit 5, you will learn about survey administration, and in Unit 6, you will learn the basics of survey analysis. In Unit 7, you will learn about a real-world example where Anthropologists used a survey.

In this course, you will watch a combination of talking head videos and PowerPoint lectures. At the end of each unit, there is a short activity to help you explore the course content. After each activity, there is a short quiz of about 5 questions. Then, at the end of the course, there is a final assignment where you can go out “in the field” and be like an Anthropologist!

This course is part of my “Anthropology 4U" series of Anthropology courses. The courses can be taken in any order, and you don't need to know anything about Anthropology to take these courses.

Enroll now, and learn about creating surveys! I hope to see you in class!

Course Information

No prior knowledge in Anthropology is needed! This course is for someone who knows nothing (or only a little) about research methods in Anthropology, and wants to learn

How ethnographic surveys should be created
How to prepare for a survey by investigating a research topic
The ethics involved survey research
Validity and reliability in survey research
How to write survey questions
How to create a survey with an attractive layout
The basics of coding quantitative and qualitative data
How to calculate a few types of basic data analyses


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Adult education is the non-credential activity of gaining skills and improved education. 

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Online education is electronically supported learning that relies on the Internet for teacher/student interaction. 

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A short course is a learning programme that gives you combined content or specific skills training in a short period of time. Short courses often lean towards the more practical side of things and have less theory than a university course – this gives you a more hands-on experience within your field of interest.

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Course duration is 24 hours.

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