About this Course
A survey conducted by the Babson Survey Research Group regarding online learning showed that the number of students enrolled in one or more online courses was nearly 7 million in 2011. This was more than a half million increase over 2010. At the college level, 32 percent of students are taking at least one online course.
As online education literally explodes, the issue facing the education system is that teaching online is not the same as teaching face to face. If you’re a teacher, be it home school, public school, Bible study teacher, or someone who teaches a special skill or subject, you know this.
The question for many people wishing to transition to teaching in a virtual classroom is a very simple one: How do I do an effective job of teaching online?
That’s the question this course is designed to answer. In this course, University of Phoenix Advanced Certified Online Instructor David Lantz walks you through the teaching strategies being used by the best online college instructors to teach in an asynchronous online course.
Lesson Materials
A total of 17 video lessons divided between 3 course modules constitute the core of the learning materials. These videos are recorded power point presentations converted to video designed to emphasize key learning objectives. Additionally, each module is accompanied by an ebook (PDF) designed to round out the video presentations. Each module is introduced and concluded by a video of the course creator, David Lantz.
A fourth module, Next Steps, concludes the course, and offers several other resources the student may wish to take advantage of.
Depending on the pace of the online learner, one should plan to spend about four hours going through the materials.
Course Organization
The course is divided into three modules. The first module, Creating a Culture of Self- Discipline Online, is designed to help you learn how to motivate your students to develop the self-discipline required to learn in the online environment. This module is, in turn subdivided into three parts.
Learning Modality and Student Motivation
Establishing Participation Expectations
Building an Online Community
The second module, Managing the Online Classroom, recognizes that online facilitation involves three basic areas of focus: organizational, social, and intellectual. The instructor, therefore, should see his or her role as being that as a facilitator of online learning, rather than simply the “Sage on the Stage.” This module is also subdivided into three parts.
Socratic Teaching: How to Teach by Asking Questions
It’s ALL About What you Say and How You Say It
Online Interaction: Best Practices
The third module, Preparing to Teach in the Flipped Classroom, examines the trend of having the student access the “lecture” via video/online instruction created by the instructor or another educator before coming to a face to face class. The role of the classroom teacher changes from Lecturer to Mentor. Rather than spending time teaching in class, the instructor uses learning-based activities. Doing this effectively requires the teacher to put a lot of effort into his/her course preparation up front. This module delivers the following three sessions:
Enabling Your Students to Learn 24/7/365
Creating Your On Demand Unidirectional Materials
Exploring an Asynchronous Learning Management Classroom
Why Take This Course
The explosion in online learning requires educators who know how to teach online. Key research findings about student learning in the online classroom underscore the importance of having instructors who can manage the online classroom to insure that students learn. Online facilitation involves three basic areas of focus: organizational, social, and intellectual. How to Teach in the Online Classroom 24/7/365 covers all three of these aspects of online instruction to prepare you to teach online.
About David Lantz
Hello, my name is David Lantz. I’ve been teaching online at the college level since 2004. I was voted Faculty of the Year by the first graduating class of the Indianapolis Campus of the University of Phoenix. In May of 2012, I was awarded that school’s Advanced Facilitator Certification. In addition to teaching online for University of Phoenix, I teach for 3 other schools on such subjects as statistics, economics, E-commerce, and public relations. Five years ago, I set about the process of showing others how to teach online. I worked with my first pilot group of 8 students over a four week period to demonstrate best practice techniques for online, asynchronous teaching. With Simpliv's powerful online course delivery system, I now have a way to take what we did in that prototype class and demonstrate the art of online instruction via video and downloadable text instruction.
Welcome to my course!
Who is the target audience?
Are you a teacher - be it home school, public school, Bible study teacher, or someone who teaches a special skill or subject who wants to learn how to teach online? This course is for you
Basic knowledge
Have internet access and the ability to play streaming audio and video. Additionally, download and print or store PDF files