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Learn Spring Boot in 100 Steps - Beginner to Expert

Learn Spring Boot in 100 Steps - Beginner to Expert

You will get introduced to REST Services, Spring Security (Authentication and Authorization), Maven (dependencies management), Eclipse (IDE) and Tomcat Embedded Web Server. We will help you set up each one of these.


About this Course
Spring Boot has a lot of magic going for it. Developing REST Services with Spring Boot is cool and fun. Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that you can “just run”. Most Spring Boot applications need very little Spring configuration.

In this course, you will learn the features of Spring Boot and Spring Boot Starter Projects with hands-on step by step approach developing:

Basic Todo Management Java Application using Spring Boot with Login and Logout functionalities
Basic REST Service to manage Survey Questionnaire
You will get introduced to REST Services, Spring Security (Authentication and Authorization), Maven (dependencies management), Eclipse (IDE) and Tomcat Embedded Web Server. We will help you set up each one of these.

You will learn about Spring Boot step by step - in more than 100 steps. This course would be a perfect first step as an introduction to Spring Boot.

You will learn about

Basics of Spring Boot
Basics of Auto Configuration and Spring Boot Magic
Spring Boot Starter Projects
Spring Initializr
Basic REST Services using Spring Boot Starter Web
REST Service Content Negotiation with JSON and XML
Embedded servlet containers : Tomcat, Jetty and Undertow
Writing Unit and Integration tests using Spring Boot Starter Test
Profiles and Dynamic Configuration with Spring Boot
Spring Boot Data JPA
Spring Boot Actuator
Spring Security
Spring Boot Developer Tools and LiveReload
Here is a quick overview of different sections of the course:

Introduction to the Power of Spring Boot in 10 Steps
Develop a Todo Management Web Application with Spring Boot in 25 Steps
Introduction to Unit Testing with JUnit in 5 Steps
Introduction to Mocking with Mockito in 5 Steps
Advanced Features of Spring Boot in 28 Steps - We learn these developing a simple API for managing survey questionnaire.
Introduction to JPA in 10 Steps
Connecting our Todo Management Web Application to JPA in 8 Steps

Web Application with Spring Boot in 33 Steps

Step 01: Part 1 Basic Spring Boot Web Application Setup
Step 01: Part 2 Pom.xml, Spring Boot Application and application properties
Step 02: Part 1 First Spring MVC Controller, @ResponseBody, @Controller
Step 02: Part 2 Understanding HTTP Request Flow
Step 03: Demystifying some of the Spring Boot magic
Step 04: Redirect to Login JSP - @ResponseBody and View Resolver
Step 05: Show userid and password on welcome page - ModelMap and @RequestParam
Step 06: DispatcherServlet and Spring MVC Flow
Step 07: Your First HTML form
Step 08: Add hard-coded validation of userid and password
Step 09: Magic of Spring
Step 10: Create TodoController and list-todos view. Make TodoService a @Service
Step 11: Architecture of Web Applications
Step 12: Session vs Model vs Request - @SessionAttributes
Step 13: Add new todo
Step 14: Display Todos in a table using JSTL Tags
Step 15: Bootstrap for Page Formatting using webjars
Step 16: Let's delete a Todo
Step 17: Format Add Todo Page and Adding Basic HTML5 form validation
Step 18: Part 1 Validations with Hibernate Validator - Using Command Bean
Step 18: Part 2 Using JSR 349 Validations
Step 19: Updating a todo
Step 20: Let's add a Target Date for Todo - Use initBinder to Handle Date Fields
Step 21: JSP Fragments and Navigation Bar
Step 22: Preparing for Spring Security
Step 23: Initial Spring Security Setup
Step 24: Refactor and add Logout Functionality using Spring Security
Step 25: Exception Handling
Step 26: Adding Dependencies for JPA and H2
Step 27: Configuring H2 Console
Step 28: Create Todo Entity and JPA Repository
Step 29: Insert Todo using JPA Repository
Step 30: Update, Delete and Retrieve Todos using JPA Repository
Step 31: Data initialization with data.sql
Step 32: Connecting JPA to other databases
Step 33: Upgrading to Spring Boot 2 and Spring 5
Spring Boot Deep Dive With a Small API

Step 01: Setup and Launch Spring Boot Application with Maven and Eclipse
Step 02: Creating your first RestController
Step 03: Understanding Spring Boot Magic : Spring Boot Starter Web
Step 04: Understanding Spring Boot Magic : Spring Boot Starter Parent
Step 05: Spring Boot vs Spring
Step 06: Create all Services for Survey and Questions
Step 07: What is REST? Creating REST Service with @GetMapping and @PathVariable
Step 08: Second REST Service to retrieve a specific question
Step 09: Spring Boot Developer Tools and LiveReload : Develop faster!
Step 10: Create a REST Service to add a new question to survey : @PostMapping, Postman
Step 11: Understand Content Negotiation. Deliver XML Responses from the REST Services
Step 12: Spring Initializr : Create Spring Boot Projects on the fly!
Step 13: Spring Boot Actuator : Monitor your Spring Boot applications!
Step 14: Understanding Embedded servlet containers : Switch to Jetty or Undertow
Step 15: Adding Dynamic Configuration to your application : YAML & More..
Step 16: Basics of Profiles
Step 17: Advanced Application Configuration with Type Safe Configuration Properties
Step 18: Spring Boot Starter : Spring Data JPA with CommandLineRunner
Step 19: In Memory Database H2 Console and add a new JPA Repository Method
Step 20: Spring Boot Starter : Introduction to Spring Data Rest
Step 21: Spring Boot Integration Test
Step 22: Adding Integration Test for POST Request
Step 23: Small Refactoring to organise ourselves
Step 24: Writing Unit Tests with Spring Boot and Mockito
Step 25: Writing Unit test for createTodo
Step 26: Securing our services with Basic Authentication using Spring Security
Step 27: Configure Spring Security user roles for survey and other services
Step 28: A Deep Dive into Spring Boot Auto Configuration
Basic knowledge
You should have working experience with Java and Annotations
We will help you install Eclipse and get up and running with Maven and Tomcat

Course Information

You should have working experience with Java and Annotations
We will help you install Eclipse and get up and running with Maven and Tomcat

You will learn the magic of Spring Boot - Auto Configuration, Spring Initializr and Starter Projects
You will learn to develop RESTful web services with Spring Boot
You will learn to develop a Web Application connecting to JPA/Hibernate Step by Step with Spring MVC and Spring Boot
You will learn to use a wide variety of Spring Boot Starter Projects - Spring Boot Web, Spring Boot Test, Spring Boot Data JPA, Spring Boot Data REST
You will understand Spring MVC in depth - DispatcherServlet , Model, Controllers and ViewResolver
You will understand how to make best use of Spring Boot Actuator and Spring Boot Developer Tools
You will learn how to externalise application configuration using Spring Boot Profiles and Dynamic Configuration
You will understand and use the embedded servlet container options provided by Spring Boot - Tomcat, Jetty and Undertow
You will learn to write great Unit and Integration tests using Spring Boot Starter Test
You will understand the basics of developing a Web Application - POST, GET, HTTP, MVC Pattern
You will understand the basics of styling your web page using Bootstrap framework

You would like to understand the magic of Spring Boot
You are looking forward to develop you first RESTful API with Spring Boot
You are looking forward to develop you first Web Application with Spring MVC and Spring Boot
You are a experienced developer new to Spring Boot and want to discover what the hype is about

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Course Specifications

IT and Computing courses are available to study on our learning platform. 

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Adult education is the non-credential activity of gaining skills and improved education. 

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Online education is electronically supported learning that relies on the Internet for teacher/student interaction. 

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A short course is a learning programme that gives you combined content or specific skills training in a short period of time. Short courses often lean towards the more practical side of things and have less theory than a university course – this gives you a more hands-on experience within your field of interest.

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Course duration is 24 hours.

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