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Learning Path: Angular 2 Fundamentals

Learning Path: Angular 2 Fundamentals

It’s not every day that one of the most important front-end libraries in web development gets a complete overhaul. Keep your skills relevant and up-to-date with this comprehensive introduction to Google’s popular community project.


Stay ahead of the curve with Angular 2

In Detail

It’s not every day that one of the most important front-end libraries in web development gets a complete overhaul. Keep your skills relevant and up-to-date with this comprehensive introduction to Google’s popular community project.

Basic knowledge
A strong working knowledge of JavaScript and legacy Angular

Course Information

A strong working knowledge of JavaScript and legacy Angular

Compile the sample application and analyze its overall structure
Understand TypeScript’s type system and how to use it more effectively
Broaden your knowledge on ES6 classes and how they relate to class-like JavaScript patterns
Familiarize yourself with JavaScript libraries in TypeScript
Improve your code with TypeScript language features
Use advanced experimental ES6 and ES7 features
Create static typing between a client and server in a client/server application. Bring the view code into TypeScript to have static typing
Interact efficiently with the type system for better and structured code
Familiarize yourself with Angular 2’s new syntax and its change detection mechanism
Plan and migrate code incrementally and avoid bulk migration
Use the ng-upgrade library to facilitate the migration process
Understand how to work with the new component router
Switch and upgrade services, directives and forms to their Angular 2 equivalents
Introduce yourself to ECMAScript 6 and start incorporating TypeScript classes
Follow best practices recommended by the Angular core team for migrating projects.
Develop a strong understanding of Angular 2 components by slicing static HTML pages into dedicated components
Configure a modern setup with TypeScript, SystemJS, and ES2015
Refactor and upgrade an Angular 1.x application to Angular 2
Design reusable components by understanding how data flows in and out of them and by leveraging advanced Angular 2 template techniques
Debug Angular 2 components and write automated unit and end-to-end tests
Embed external libraries such as d3
Run Angular 2 components on mobile devices and on the server
Make API calls and circumvent cross-origin restrictions with JSONP
Customize an Ionic 2 application using the power of SASS variables
Keep your code structured and reusable by implementing separation of concerns
Interact with users and gather relevant information using a form
Keep the user experience as close to native applications as possible using visual aids such as modal and actionSheet
Master the emulator and native loader options to see the final application while building it

If you've built an application with Angular 1.x and need direction on how to efficiently migrate that application across to Angular 2, then this Learning Path is for you. If you've spent time with TypeScript and know how things work on a basic level, this Learning Path will allow you to graduate to a level of mastery. Anyone looking to get started with app development can also use the introduction to Ionic 2 section to get their feet wet with hybrid app development.

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IT and Computing courses are available to study on our learning platform. 

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Adult education is the non-credential activity of gaining skills and improved education. 

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Online education is electronically supported learning that relies on the Internet for teacher/student interaction. 

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A short course is a learning programme that gives you combined content or specific skills training in a short period of time. Short courses often lean towards the more practical side of things and have less theory than a university course – this gives you a more hands-on experience within your field of interest.

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Course duration is 24 hours.

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