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Learning ReactJS

Learning ReactJS

This course first covers all of the React.js basics like its API to create elements and components, the virtual DOM and the JSX syntax extension, using the state, working with browser events and components lifecycle methods.


Build beautiful, modern, and modularized UIs with ReactJS.

React is a JavaScript library that communicates changes on a User Interface to the browsers quickly, without having to re-render anything except the part of the display that needs to change. Elements of a site or application can be updated seamlessly without delay, without disrupting the rest of the display or requiring the user to refresh.

This course first covers all of the React.js basics like its API to create elements and components, the virtual DOM and the JSX syntax extension, using the state, working with browser events and components lifecycle methods. We then dive in and build an application from scratch to practically use the knowledge gained in the first part.

The application we will be building is an administration page for a list of books. You will see a list of books, then can add new books and remove books from the list. The final application will work with a server API to persist the data and it will use the Redux library to manage the data state for React.

About The Author

Samer Buna is a technical content author, software engineer, and mentor. He has a master's degree in information security and over ten years of progressive experience and success creating tailored solutions for businesses within many industries.
Samer is passionate about everything JavaScript, and he loves exploring new libraries. His favorite technical stacks are Node.js for the backend and React.js for the frontend.
Samer has authored a few books and online courses about React and GraphQL. You can follow him on Twitter at @samerbuna.
Basic knowledge
This video course is front-end web developers and mobile application developers with a good working knowledge of JavaScript
Through this practical course, you will be equipped with a good understanding of the mechanics behind ReactJS, and how to create lightweight, responsive application UIs. You will be able to build several UI elements, make them reactive to user input, and extend your knowledge of DOM manipulation to customize your own UIs in the future

Course Information

This video course is front-end web developers and mobile application developers with a good working knowledge of JavaScript
Through this practical course, you will be equipped with a good understanding of the mechanics behind ReactJS, and how to create lightweight, responsive application UIs. You will be able to build several UI elements, make them reactive to user input, and extend your knowledge of DOM manipulation to customize your own UIs in the future

Set up React development environments
See what comprises the React.js library
Get to grips with React components and their life cycles
Use React JSX and the Virtual DOM
Understand how React work with browser events
Understand React’s controlled components
Work with stateful class components and stateless function components
Design a simple browser application
Manage the state and use a server API with React
Learn about Redux stores, reducers, actions, and middlewares

This video course is front-end web developers and mobile application developers with a good working knowledge of JavaScript.

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Course Specifications

IT and Computing courses are available to study on our learning platform. 

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Adult education is the non-credential activity of gaining skills and improved education. 

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Online education is electronically supported learning that relies on the Internet for teacher/student interaction. 

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A short course is a learning programme that gives you combined content or specific skills training in a short period of time. Short courses often lean towards the more practical side of things and have less theory than a university course – this gives you a more hands-on experience within your field of interest.

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Course duration is 24 hours.

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