What you will learn
Install and activate MATLAB successfully
Perform Arithmetic and Algebraic operations with MATLAB
Make both 2-D and 3-D plots, add annotations, Greek letters, saving your plots on several formats like fig, png, epsc etc, and make your plots look like those found on research papers
Solve Calculus Problems like Z transforms, Laplace transforms, Fourier transforms, Taylor and Maclaurin's series expansion, Limits, Left and Right hand limits, symbolic summation etc with Matlab
Perform formula manipulation and simplification, factorization and expansion with Matlab
Perform arithmetic operations on Real and Complex numbers
Perform analytic and numerical differentiation and integration
Find solutions to ODE problems including Systems of ODEs both analytically and numerically with Matlab
Perform the following operations on Polynomials: find polynomial roots, integrate and differentiate polynomials, polynomial curve fitting etc
Solve matrix and vector problems with Matlab like generating special matrices, inverse, rank, reduced echelon, transpose, LU factorization, eigen values and vectors, diagonization, orthogonal, norm, determinant, concatenation and several matrix operations
Discrete maths problem like finding gcd, lcm, permutation, combination, prime factors and numbers and factorial of numbers