This course will show you How to outsource to experts available all over the world who can help your business or personal life, save you money, save you time, and even earn you money.
Learn How to:
Figure out what should be hired out
Find the right people for Your job
Hire these Freelancers
Keep these Freelancers happy
Replicate this, over and over!
Find the best talent all over the world!
Don't limit Yourself due to Geography! There are super-talented people all over the world!
Freelancers truly are experts in their fields, and they are available (almost always online) for you to hire. And yet, usually, when you ask someone if they outsource to Freelancers, they reply with some horror story, or some reason or another as to why they cannot and will not delegate to Freelancers.
And they're not wrong!
Many things can go wrong when outsourcing to Freelancers, and many things do! On the other hand, when things go smoothly, the relationships can be extremely beneficial for both parties, becoming more and more so over time.
This course aims to guide you through figuring out what to outsource to freelancers, how to find those freelancers, how to hire and communicate with them, as well as how to ensure that they deliver exactly what you're looking for
Content Overview
This course is structured to serve as reference material, so you can go through the whole course in around one week, but, as your career progresses, you will probably want to go back for refreshers, so to see how various steps can apply to your new situation.
Most of this course will be taught via videos, with some written notes and explanations for those wishing to go further in depth in their career as a freelance translator.
By the end of this course, you will be able to use your knowledge in order to hire Freelancers for all sorts of jobs. You will know what sort of jobs to start outsourcing for, how to find the right freelancers, and how to keep them happy once you've found them.
The world is becoming increasingly global, while jobs are less and less secure, and the Internet is, by now, near universal. Combine all these factors, and you have a perfect storm of opportunity for people who want to use Freelancers all over the world.
Basic knowledge
This course is for everyone who would like to hire freelancers in order to save time, money and effort, or even to earn money