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Python Programming With Data Science

Python Programming With Data Science

Before we explore how to learn Python for data science, we should briefly answer why you should learn Python in the first place.


Why Learn Python For Data Science?

Before we explore how to learn Python for data science, we should briefly answer why you should learn Python in the first place.

In short, understanding Python is one of the valuable skills needed for a data science career.

Though it hasn’t always been, Python is the programming language of choice for data science. Here’s a brief history:

In 2016, Python replaced Java as the most popular language in colleges and universities and has never looked back
In 2016, it overtook R on Kaggle, the premier platform for data science competitions
In 2017, it overtook R on KDNuggets’s annual poll of data scientists’ most used tools
In 2018, 66% of data scientists reported using Python daily, making it the number one tool for analytics professionals
In 2019 IEEE Spectrum (world’s largest professional organization dedicated to applied science and engineering) has ranked Python at the top of the list of ‘top programming languages in 2019’
Tiobe analysts believe that within three to four years' time, Python will "probably replace C and Java" to become the most popular programming language in the world
Data science experts expect this trend to continue with increasing development in the Python ecosystem. And while your journey to learn Python programming may be just beginning, it’s nice to know that employment opportunities are abundant (and growing) as well.

According to Indeed, the average salary for a Data Scientist is $127,918.

The good news? That number is only expected to increase. The experts at IBM predicted a 28% increase in demand for data scientists by the year 2020.

So, the future is bright for data science, and Python is just one piece of the proverbial pie. Fortunately, learning Python and other programming fundamentals is as attainable as ever.

But remember – just because the steps are simple doesn’t mean you won’t have to put in the work. If you apply yourself and dedicate meaningful time to learning Python, you have the potential to not only pick up a new skill, but potentially bring your career to a new level.

Course Information

Programming in C, C++ will be beneficial

You will first learn how to Install Anaconda and Jupyter on your desktop/laptop
You will understand and learn the basics of For Loops and Advanced For Loops
You will have clarity on Python generators and will master the flow of your code using "If Else"
You will understand Why foundations Modify Lists and Dictionaries and Functions
Learn how to analyze, retrieve and clean data with Python
Get introduced to Using API's
Learn Concatenation (Combining Tables) with Python and Pandas and Manipulating Time and Date Data with Python Datetime
Data Cleaning and Preparation for Machine Learning
You will learn to Use Pandas with Large Data Sets, Time Series Analysis and Effective Data Visualization in Python

You will first learn how to Install Anaconda and Jupyter on your desktop/laptop
You will understand and learn the basics of For Loops and Advanced For Loops
You will have clarity on Python generators and will master the flow of your code using "If Else"
You will understand Why foundations Modify Lists and Dictionaries and Functions
Learn how to analyze, retrieve and clean data with Python
Get introduced to Using API's
Learn Concatenation (Combining Tables) with Python and Pandas and Manipulating Time and Date Data with Python Datetime
Data Cleaning and Preparation for Machine Learning
You will learn to Use Pandas with Large Data Sets, Time Series Analysis and Effective Data Visualization in Python

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IT and Computing courses are available to study on our learning platform. 

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Adult education is the non-credential activity of gaining skills and improved education. 

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Online education is electronically supported learning that relies on the Internet for teacher/student interaction. 

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A short course is a learning programme that gives you combined content or specific skills training in a short period of time. Short courses often lean towards the more practical side of things and have less theory than a university course – this gives you a more hands-on experience within your field of interest.

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Course duration is 24 hours.

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