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Reactive JavaScript Programming

Reactive JavaScript Programming

Creating operators and performing various operations such as transform, filter, combine, and error handling.


Change the way you code: become efficient and up-to-date with an in depth coverage of Reactive JavaScript programming techniques.

This video is a combination of the following three aspects:

Introduction to Reactive Programming + Rx in Depth.
Need for going Reactive, Understanding Event Streams, Getting familiar with APIs, and Building a BMI Calculator App.
Introduce Rx concepts and similar APIs across many languages, Covering the necessary operators, Examples of Operators and Streams.
Building a stopwatch app
Building an Autocomplete search box with Rx.
Creating operators and performing various operations such as transform, filter, combine, and error handling.

About the Author

I Shriyans Bhatnagar use Rx.js on a daily basis in work, mostly combining it with React and redux. Being a full stack developer, I often find myself using Rx on Node too. Playing around with a few Reactive libraries—RxJs, most.js, and, bacon.js—and Reactive frameworks such as cycle.js, I absolutely love writing functional Reactive code. I am an avid fan of pure functional programming. I have played around with Haskell, elm, and erlang quite a lot and have some experience writing clojureScript. These days I really dig ReasonML (a new interface to OCaml by Facebook).
I started out as a backend engineer writing Ruby applications using rails, but I quickly moved on to using JavaScript for both the backend and frontend. My hobby projects vary from making Node-powered bots using Johnny-Five with the Arduino to machine-learning projects using Python libraries such as Scikit and Tensorflow. But, ultimately, I truly love building user interfaces and providing a good user experience.
Basic knowledge
Familiar with JS in browser and Basic knowledge of ES6 is required

Course Information

Familiar with JS in browser and Basic knowledge of ES6 is required

The power and ease of using Reactive programming
Thinking and modeling apps in the Reactive way
Fully understand Rx js including its operators, subjects, and schedulers

This course assumes viewers are at least slightly familiar with JS in browsers and in Node.

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A short course is a learning programme that gives you combined content or specific skills training in a short period of time. Short courses often lean towards the more practical side of things and have less theory than a university course – this gives you a more hands-on experience within your field of interest.

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Course duration is 24 hours.

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