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Talent Management: Onboarding For High Employee Engagement

Talent Management: Onboarding For High Employee Engagement

The course also includes checklists and other resources to support you.


Do you want your new hires to be productive as quickly as possible?
Do you want to retain your new bright staff in your team?
Do you want to ease the transition period of your new hires?
If one or all of your answers are yes, this course is for you!!!

Here is the course with proven ways to speed up your new hires, to increase the staff retention rate, to help your new staff quickly engaged at your company, to help you earn the reputation of "Best People Manager", to help to build your company with the brand name of "Employer of Choice" and many others.

This 3.5-hour course is developed for all team leaders and supervisors to provide an effective and successful onboarding process for new employees, so as to help them be engaged and productive as quickly as possible. It is a very comprehensive and step-by-step course.

The course also includes checklists and other resources to support you. You may have all these tools on hand already but the key is you should know HOW TO REALLY ENGAGE your new staff and WHAT YOU REALLY NEED TO PAY ATTENTION TO. If onboarding is done poorly, your new hires will walk away and you will need to re-perform the time-consuming long process of hiring again! What worst is this may probably hurt your reputation as well as the Company!

Remember, the faster the new hires feel welcome and prepared for their jobs, the quicker they will be able to deliver better results. Enroll in this course and start learning now!

Course Information

No advanced preparation and prerequisites but those with an open mindset and eagerness to learn are highly preferable

Craft an impressive onboarding journey to accelerate the new hires
Motivate the new hires by applying 12 powerful elements for employee engagement
Inspire the new employees to deliver better results faster by an effective feedback session
Apply the 4 critical successful factors to engage and retain the new hires
Learn 7 easy ways to help the new staff building their network
Acquire 7 quick ways to acclimate the new hires to the Company’s culture without scaring them off
Get your team prepared and excited about the new members
Involve Role-model staff to influence the new employees
Gamify the onboarding program to speed up the learning of the new hires
Understand the 8 Must Dos for effective onboarding
Learn the 5 Assumptions that must not have for onboarding
Evaluate the onboarding program systematically for adjustment and continuous improvement
Create special onboarding for executives, groups and 5 types of persons often ignored for onboarding

I designed this course for (upcoming) Supervisors, Managers, Leaders, Business Owners and Entrepreneurs in Management, Business, IT and Finance who want to get more out of themselves and out of their teams.

• Lifetime Access to Each Course
• Certificate on Completion of Course
• No Extra Charges Or Admin Fees
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• High Priority Support After Sales.
• Big Discounts on Individual Courses

Course Specifications

Find Human Resources courses on our study platform including People Management and Psychology degrees. 

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Adult education is the non-credential activity of gaining skills and improved education. 

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Online education is electronically supported learning that relies on the Internet for teacher/student interaction. 

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A short course is a learning programme that gives you combined content or specific skills training in a short period of time. Short courses often lean towards the more practical side of things and have less theory than a university course – this gives you a more hands-on experience within your field of interest.

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Course duration is 24 hours.

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