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Transform Your Business By Transforming Human Capital

Transform Your Business By Transforming Human Capital

Create CEO Definitions Roadmap. Apply Digital Technology for Disruptive Results in Business Process. Start Business Transformation with Human Capital Now!


The talk today is about Industry Disruption driving Business Transformation.

This change is already occurring. However, there are three legs to the business transformation stool. The first leg is simply improving existing processes or innovating new processes. The second leg is applying digital technology for disruptive results. However, the third leg is often missing. You also have to transform your human capital… that is your people. Sitting on a stool with just two legs can result in a disaster! Most company risks, including technology implementations, fail when the human factor is not also transformed.

In our opinion, a new human capital transformation process is required.

This course provides an overview of how companies can move from talking about Human Capital Transformation to actually transforming their people. As you’ll see, there is not a simple formula that applies to every company. Every company is different. But there is a revolutionary way of thinking and changing the people side of your company that enables sustainable business transformation.

So, let’s see how disruption and business transformation is impacting you today…and how you can transform your human capital.

The course begins with understanding the trends of today that are disruptive and resulting in risks to companies and employees, why Human Capital is the #1 CEO Challenge, and concludes with new paradigms and processes to transform Human Capital.

The recommended step overview includes “How to”:

Create a CEO Definitions Roadmap
Apply talent acquisition for disruptive results
Continue through talent management for disruptive results
Include a self-motivation program for employees
Create integrated reporting and governance programs
Integrate ERP, Apps, Development, and Reporting for sustainable results

Basic knowledge
Directors and/or P&L owners and above experience; targeting CEOs, CFOs, COOs, CHROs, CIOs, CMOs, CXOs, Senior Executive Leaders and Board Members

Course Information

Directors and/or P&L owners and above experience; targeting CEOs, CFOs, COOs, CHROs, CIOs, CMOs, CXOs, Senior Executive Leaders and Board Members

What will you learn
How is the evolution of digital technology disrupting businesses and their people?
What is the #1 Challenge of CEOs?
Why executive leadership is critical to implement to the changes necessary for People Transformation
What is the HIA People Transformation Process™?
Who, besides HR, need to be involved in Human Capital Transformation?

CEOs, CFOs, COOs, CHROs, CIOs, CMOs, CXOs, and any Senior Executive Leader

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Course Specifications

Business and business management courses are available on our study platform. 

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Adult education is the non-credential activity of gaining skills and improved education. 

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Online education is electronically supported learning that relies on the Internet for teacher/student interaction. 

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A short course is a learning programme that gives you combined content or specific skills training in a short period of time. Short courses often lean towards the more practical side of things and have less theory than a university course – this gives you a more hands-on experience within your field of interest.

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Course duration is 24 hours.

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