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Turn a 2d photo into a 3d animation with After Effects and Photoshop!

Turn a 2d photo into a 3d animation with After Effects and Photoshop!

This course will help you learn Adobe Photoshop and Adobe After Effects through an interesting and challenging visual project:


About this Course
This course will help you learn Adobe Photoshop and Adobe After Effects through an interesting and challenging visual project: the process of creating a 3D looking video scene from a still photograph!

This is the structure of the course:

The basics of Photoshop - interface, file formats. etc
Preparing our photo for After Effects in Photoshop.
The basics of After Effects - you get all the basic and all of the important information that you need to create your own animations.
Animating in After Effects
Modelling slow motion in After Effects
Importing animations in one video project
The course is structured around the workflow of a professional After Effects user.

Basic knowledge
In this course you get all the information you need.

The only requirements are:

After Effects CS5/ CS 5.5/ CS6/CC installed. (You can use a 30-day free trial)
Photoshop CS5/ CS 5.5/ CS6/CC installed. (You can use a 30-day free trial)
You can use and download all those materials and project files that I used in the course and in the promo video.

Course Information

In this course you get all the information you need.

The only requirements are:

After Effects CS5/ CS 5.5/ CS6/CC installed. (You can use a 30-day free trial)
Photoshop CS5/ CS 5.5/ CS6/CC installed. (You can use a 30-day free trial)
You can use and download all those materials and project files that I used in the course and in the promo video.

What you will learn
You will learn the basics of Photoshop and get familiar with the tools you need for this project
You will learn all the important parts of Adobe After effects ie.: import, timeline, effects, special layers etc.
Than You will learn the animation process step-by-step from a 2D photograph to the finished 3D composition with added slow motion effect
You will learn to create a new project from multiple projects
At the end of the course you will understand the workflow of creating 3D effect not only from photos, but logos, icons or info graphics! You can use your knowledge to create stunning animated scenes from wedding photos, or pimp up your family album or your YouTube videos!

Anybody who wants to learn After Effects in a project oriented easy way
Movie creators, graphic designers, photographers or any creative people who would like to learn about animating in After Effects
Anybody who wants to create better videos, slideshows, movieclips, logo animations or youtube channels
People who interested in After Effects
This course is not for advanced users in After Effects
This course will show you the basics of After Effects and a method to create an animation, not the whole software with all possibilities

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Course Specifications

Take advantage of our numerous courses in Graphic and Illustration on our learning platform. 

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Adult education is the non-credential activity of gaining skills and improved education. 

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Online education is electronically supported learning that relies on the Internet for teacher/student interaction. 

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A short course is a learning programme that gives you combined content or specific skills training in a short period of time. Short courses often lean towards the more practical side of things and have less theory than a university course – this gives you a more hands-on experience within your field of interest.

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Course duration is 24 hours.

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